Friday, December 28, 2012

March 11th 1942 - A Letter From Loretta Lutz

March 11th, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Mother
To: Private George F. Lutz
CO. C. 6th Batt.
Camp Wheeler, GA.
Letter Transcription:
March 11th, 1942
Dear George,
We received your letter Monday and were very glad you arrived safe.

Friday, December 21, 2012

March 8th 1942 - A Letter From Gustave Lutz

March 8th, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Gustave Lutz
To: Pvt George F. Lutz
CO. C. 6th Training Batt.
Camp Wheeler, GA.
Letter Transcription:
March 8th 1942

Dear George,

We got your card and the crate you sent Gene. Hope you arrived in good shape. I have had a bit of a sore throat. Went to Doc. Wood's last Tues and he gave me the Old Reliable Throat Medication. It's pretty much cleared up now.

We took a ride to the Mastic Beach today. We left about 12 o' clock, had dinner at Patchogue and got to Mastic about 3 o clock.

Friday, December 14, 2012

March 6th 1942 - A Letter From Grace Bauer

March 6th, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Grace Bauer
To: Pvt George Lutz
Company C
6th Training Battalion
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Letter Transcription:
Thursday Evening

Hello Darling!

How are you? I received your card today + am glad you arrived safely. We didn't get any of that snow you ran into. It's been so warm that it really seems like Spring.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

March 3rd 1942 - A Letter From Grace Bauer

March 3rd, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Grace Bauer
To: Pvt George Lutz
Company C
6th Training Battalion
Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Letter Transcription:
Monday Evening
Hello Darling!
I was thinking of you constantly all day today. At first I thought you would have a very dreary day for your departure, but the sun came out for awhile (I ordered it.)