Friday, April 19, 2013

April 1st & 2nd, 1942 - Easter Cards

April 1st & 2nd 1942

Although these aren't specifically letters to George, I wanted to share a few of the Easter cards that George Lutz received in 1942. It is amazing to see that the greeting card world hasn't really changed much in all of these years! Contained in two envelopes, the card from grace and her family the Bauers, arrived in a single envelope, and the card from his parents arrived separately. Interestingly enough, there isn't much personalization with each card, as I suppose they left the creativeness to writing their letters back and forth.
As a side note when it comes to cards, my Grandfather George, was very sentimental when it came to selecting the right card for folks. I can remember quite a few times going to the drug store with him as a kid, and we would stop in to grab a card for someone for a holiday, then head out to Wendy's for some chili. I can certainly recall this was always quite a process, and it always seemed to take forever! He often times would look at so many cards you just wanted to yell "Pick one and let's go!". I'm curious to know if receiving cards while he was in the Army shaped this behavior.
A Card From Grace:
FRONT: "To My Sweetheart At Easter"
INSIDE: To George
This happy Easter Greeting WIll show I'm thinking of
The Dearest Sweetheart anywhere, That one could have to love,
For every word it's bringing Is fond and tender too,
And filled with many wished Of happiness for YOU.
Love, Grace
A Card From The Bauers:
INSIDE: To George
These cute little bunnies
Have come today
To wish you an Easter
That's bright and gay!
Mr. + Mrs. Bauer and Mae
A Card From Mom & Dad:
INSIDE: I count my Easter Rosary And as each bead is told
My heart is filled with thoughts of you
Just all that it can hold
And for each bead and for each thought
I pray that God may bless Your heart and life
with peace and joy And Easter Happiness.
Love, Mother + Dad

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