Friday, February 8, 2013

March 22nd, 1942 - A Letter From Grace Bauer

March 22nd, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Grace Bauer
To: Private George F. Lutz
Company C
6th Training Battalion
Camp Wheeler,
Camp Wheeler, GA.
Letter Transcription:
Sunday March 22nd.
Hello Honey!
Please excuse me for not writing on cleaner paper, but it's too cold to go out on the porch for more. We sure are getting quite a cold spell now. This morning when I was coming home from church, my hat blew off twice.

After waiting all week, I finally received your letter on Saturday morning and was I glad to get it! The card you mentioned you sent me, never arrived here. It seems the letter carrier is always leaving our mail somewhere else and half the time we don't get it at all.
Thursday evening, (Dad's birthday) we went to see the "Man Who Came To Dinner". I fell asleep towards the middle of the picture. You can tell from that how interesting it was. Monte Wooley was so sarcastic that he was sickening. None of us liked it. The other picture was "Blue, White and Perfect" and that was very good. We came home and had ice-cream and cake. Pop got rubbers (for foot-wear), a tie from me, and garters from Ma.
Friday we stayed home and took it easy. On the way home from work we met Lillian Kruger and she told us that the reason she hasn't been to the knitting club meetings is that she has been very sick, but is feeling much better now.
Thursday and Friday Margy was home sick and Frieda was in charge of the department and we didn't know whether we were coming or going, but we had a lot of fun.
Saturday morning I slept until 10:30. It feels so good to sleep a little longer on Saturdays. It was raining all day and Mother dragged me out to Jamaica to go shopping. The idea was for me to pick out a dress for my birthday. I got a pretty pink dress to wear on my vacation. Speaking of my birthday, you're a meanie not giving me a single hint, but I love you anyway. Eleanor went skating by herself over at the "Fair" even though it was pouring out.
This morning I went to church with Mother and came home and had diner. At 3 o'clock Aunt Dorothy came and at 3:30 I left to go up to your house. Your Mom showed me the pictures you sent up and they were very good. The whole family was there so we had a good chat. I left at 6:15 after making 100 apologies for not staying for supper. I went to cut through the woods and on the way down, who knocked at the window but Lillian Schneider. Then I had to go in and see her for awhile.
She told me that she's still at Fordam Hospital and loves her work. She's in the baby ward now and she's crazy about it. in June she expects to become a registered nurse. She's engaged to a fellow who is a mechanic at Mitchell Field and he gets $94 a month. He's been in a year and 7 months. She showed me his picture and he seems to be very nice. She has a hope chest she got a year ago and she showed it to me. For Christmas he gave her a chest of silver service for 8. It has his initial on it and it's beautiful. His mother has made her a half a dozen crocheted scarfs and they're lovely. She has it so full that you can hardly get another thing in it. I was telling Auntie about it when I came home and she said she has a bridal night gown with lace on it and she is going to give it to me. I hope it doesn't go out of style before I use it.
Lillian told me that Larry was home for a week and he looked very good.
Now to get back to your letter. I was very glad to hear that you and Al had such a good time. Connie told me he weighs 200 lbs now.
Darling, did Marie receive the lapel pin? It was such a small package, that maybe it got lost in the mail. Let me know will you, please?
Darling, I was thinking of you on St. Patrick's Day. Remember that green tie you used to wear?
Don't be afraid, I'll stay off the streets when there's a blackout.
I'll get those snapshots made for you when I get a chance, dear. Thanks for the negative.
I'll give Frieda that note you enclosed.
Your father is getting his vacation in July, so he won't be able to go with us. I'm going to ask for the last 2 weeks in May because Eleanor will take the trip in our car and gas rationing goes into effect June 1st, so we'll be back by then. Your Mom is coming with the three.
Darling I love you terribly and want to know if you've changed your ideas on the subject that came up frequently on your furlough home. I think I know already wheat the answer is.
Be a good boy, darling, and here's a kiss but save it until March 26th, and think of me on that day at 11:30 in the morning and I'll be thinking of you.

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