Friday, March 15, 2013

March 29th, 1942 - A Letter From Grace Bauer

March 29th, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Grace Bauer
To: Corporal George F. Lutz
Company C
6th Training Battalion
Camp Wheeler,
Letter Transcription:
Palm Sunday March 29th
Hello Darling!
I received your letter of Thursday, Saturday. The mail-man must be on the "beam" again. I was surprised to hear that you had rain down in Georgia on my birthday. It was a beautiful day up here.
Here's the list of dates you wanted:
Mother and Dad's Anniversary - June 30
Mother's Birthday - July 10
Aunt Dorothy's Birthday - Aug. 29
Lillian Schneider has to graduate first before she marries, that's the rules. She expects to graduate in September. After she marries she expects to keep up her career and she figures between their salaries, they ought to be able to get along OK.
Honey I sure wish your Dad would go with us because I know it is going to be a tough trip for Eleanor. The last time she took a trip to Washington she was knocked out for a week. Why don't you ask him to change his vacation, he can. At first he said that he couldn't go on account of his tires, so Eleanor made up her mind to take ours, now he doesn't seem to want to go anyway and I know it would be quite a relief for Mae. I would never make a good driver, I know. See if you can persuade him.
I misinterpreted your last letter. You said "I'd like nothing better that to get married in June" You also said that Al and Marie were kidding the pants off you about getting married in June. I understood that you wanted it that way. If it's going to worry you more if we become "one" I'll stay single until this awful mess is over. I think it's better that way anyway, even though I love you so terribly much.
Friday night I went up to see your folks. When I came in I thought it was so funny that no one congratulated me. I waited a while and still nothing happened so I showed them the anklet. Your folks almost fell through the floor. It seems your Mom said that you told her it was the 29th. I told her about all I got for my birthday. We had ice-cream and cake and Gene walked me home.
Saturday Mom was so sick (with a cold) that she stayed in bed all day. About 8 o'clock the bell rang and who was it but your Mom and Gene. She apologized for forgetting my birthday and brought me 2 pair of nylons and Gene gave me a bottle of Helene Ruben Stein's "Heaven Scent Perfume!" Haven't I got swell in-laws-to-be? We had a very pleasant evening, and I was glad they came as Mother felt much better and forgot herself for awhile. Your Dad went out to Mastic.
This morning I went to church at 11 o'clock. Ann, Bill, Joan, and the boys were there. Mrs. Ruter was there too. I told them about Mother being sick and in the evening Uncle Chris, Aunt Nana and Aunt Dorothy came down. Boy, we had some snow storm this afternoon! The wind was blowing and the snow was falling.
Did you ever get that letter that Aunt Nana sent to you from Louisville, or did it get lost?
Honey, enclosed is a cross I made from the palm we got today. i thought you might like to tuck it away in your prayer book.
Honey, do you remember which church we have to get married in first? Mary Kelly was asking me and I said I forgot which was to come first and which last.
Aunt Nana game me tonight a pair of snazzy pajamas. I'm going to save them for my trip South.
How is Sal? I hope he's feeling better now. What seems to be the trouble. Does his family know that he's in the hospital? Tell him that I said to get well quickly because when I come down I want to of the Conga or the Rhumba with him. You told me he was famous for that.
Tomorrow I'm going to buy records for Gene and none of these classical ones. I'll make a "jitter-bug" out of him yet. All fooling aside -- I wasn't to get him "Moon-Light Cocktail" and "The Shrine of St. Cecilla" and others. Tuesday is my book club, so I'll just drop them off on my way home from work.
Good Friday I guess we'll get off the 3 hours again. Honestly, I haven't a thing bought for Easter. I'll sure have to get busy. Well, that's about all for now, so I'll have to say good-night and it is 12:30. Be good, darling, and remember I love you.

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