Friday, March 1, 2013

March 24th, 1942 - A Letter From Gustave Lutz

March 24th, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Gustave Lutz (Dad)
To: CPL. George F. Lutz
CO. C. 6. Battalion
Camp Wheeler. GA.
Letter Transcription :
March 24
Dear George
Congratulations "Corporal.". So you did get it. Well that is fine and we are tickled to hear about it.
You will have to keep your eye open so as to keep track of the fools (EDIT: AM I RIGHT ON THIS PART?),
Am glad to show that you still love your apartment.
We are sorry to hear about Sal. I would be careful about using Sal's car. You don't want to get in any trouble over it.
I think you had better put some more time thinking before you take any "big step".
You know the old story about living as cheap as one in the bunk. You would not get very far with the salary the Army pays you even with rations. That would add up to about $71.00per month or less than $20.00 per week.
I think you would both be better off if you waited until you are out of the Army and appointed in your fireman's job. You could start off without much way then.
You and Grace have both been very sensible about it and as I say it takes quite a bit of thinking about. You know there are considerable angles to it.
We all went over to Uncle Bills last night and got back about 1 o clock. We are making a set of screens to use in separating the big room. That is to make two little ones out of a big one.
I had quite a job putting up the wall board. I didn't get out to Mastic last Saturday as it rained all day.
Gene came home last night with $14 bucks overtime for the last two weeks. He sure is doing splendid on his first job. The only thing that makes him mad is that he has no time to spend his dough. Aint that too bad?
I expect to get out to Mastic for this weekend and finish up on the room. I don't know yet how I am going to get the ceiling boards up without help as Gene works every Saturday afternoon. Guess that's all for now.
Will close now.

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