Friday, March 29, 2013

March 31st, 1942 - A Letter From Gustave Lutz

March31st, 1942

About This Letter:
From: Gustave Lutz (Dad)
To: Cpl. George F. Lutz
Co. C. 6th Bn.
Camp Wheeler, GA.
Letter Transcription:
March 31st 1942

Dear George

So you are the boss "Keeper of the Tools" now. i guess you had better get that checking system to work in sort order. It's not so bad to lose a small cheap tool but what happens if you should be short on a big expensive one.

How come you have to go out on problems again after all this time. I thought you were over that.

The screen to make two rooms out of one for the purpose of making more sleeping room if we need it.

I spent three days out to Mastic. Sat. Sun, and Monday. The reason I got Mon. off was that I worked on Lincoln's Birthday. I got out there Sat about 10 A.M. and saw Cooper. (He sent his regards to you) He was all excited. Toe me that there was a lot between Teddy and us that belongs to the county. I told him that they must have made a mistake but he was insistent. He sent me over to his boss Roberts to find out about it. Roberts sent me to Sal's.

Sal has a list of all the property with the assessed valuation and out lots are OK but the last one Ted bought was still listed as in the name of the company that sold them not the county. However Ted said he has had trouble getting them at the tac office to list it under his name.

When i got back to the bungalow I put up a new stove pope, the old one was corroded, then fixed something to eat and off went the old fire siren. I had to go all the way over the NOI funeralhome (EDIT: guessing here) to find out where the fire was.

When I found it, it was out. About 4 o'clock the siren went off again. This time it was on the indian Reservation. Mastic Park called both us and Kor I. There was about 4 square blocks burning and I mean burning. When we got there they asked us to back fire and watch it so it would not jump the road. That we did while the other two companies went to work. We were there until about 7 o'clock.

Result. No work done. Sat. however I made up for it on Sunday got up all the rest of the side walls and three boards on the ceiling. Sometime when you have nothing to do, try putting up a 4x10 wall board on veiling without help. Some job boy.

I got one up somehow used T's then tried to wiggle it into place and down came the whole world, breaking the board in two.

What I used rope for fastening in three places and pulling the three ropes all at once, getting it to hand up at the ceiling then used the three T's and presto. The board is up. Some fun, What! Sunday night it started to snow and snowed all night is spasms. Monday it was about an inch and a half. However it did not last for by afternoon it had all disappeared.

On the way home I was driving out from Mastic Beach about 4 blocks south of Jimmie's place when something jumped out of the woods and dashed across the road. Two dear. I started the card again and another crash in the woods and two more dear. I can't get over it. I heard a lot about them but now I know there are deer there.

Gene wrote you a letter tonight, to tell you all about his birthday.

I guess thats all for now, some letter this time eh!


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